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Pentecost! – 5/31/2020

Pentecost! A day of miracle and amazement. Acts 2 tells the story of a sound like rushing wind, fire upon the heads of the apostles, words spoken by Galileans and understood by men of every culture in the Mediterranean basin no matter their language. A miracle of speaking? A miracle of hearing? Yes.
Jesus had promised the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room. Later He had admonished the apostles to wait at Jerusalem, and told them they would know when power had come upon them. They sure did. And so did everyone else gathered in the temple courts that Pentecost day.
There is no better Pentecost sermon than that spoken by Peter on Pentecost as he stood up to speak. A part of his message is our Epistle for this day, but be sure to read the whole sermon. It ends with this reminder: the Promise is for you and for me and for our children and for all people even those far off, for those perplexed by the difficulties of these days, for those who suffer in loss and ill health, in short, for all people of this earth who will simply receive the blessing of faith through the Holy Spirit in Jesus, the very risen Son of God.
A blessed Pentecost to you and to all in faith!
Pastor Phill

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