This morning we will sing some familiar songs, limber up your voices to join our singers!
You’ll need your Bibles, of course – mark them at Acts 17:16-32, our epistle reading, and also at John 14:15-21.
The Epistle finds Paul in Athens, awaiting the arrival of friends, and engaging not only in the synagogues but in particular with the philosophers of Athens, addressing them in the Aeropagus. He has noticed all the stone idols, even one addressed to “The Unknown God.”
Talk about covering your bases! Paul teaches about the one true God, through the Son Jesus, in the Holy Spirit – what a challenge to introduce Jesus into that world, or into our world…
The Gospel for the day brings us Jesus’ words of promise, of hope, of the Holy Spirit we have received from Him. We no longer wonder which god is real. Only one God is real. Try as the world might, it cannot replace Him with all the false idols our culture can dream up.
Wash your hands! Stay safe! God bless you!
Pastor Phill