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“my God, in whom I trust” – 6/21/2020

Psalm 91, read this morning by Pastor Gary, begins: He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Gee, even our money says something about trusting in God…

Notice the words the psalmist uses, shelter, abide, refuge, fortress, trust. These are positive words describing His protecting love and care for all who believe in and trust Him. In our gospel for this day, Matthew 10:21-33, Jesus’ language is more forceful yet. In the strife of the first century, and the 21st century, words like betray and hate are evident. What once was taken for granted by most of us, faith and trust in the Triune God, has now become divisive, alien to many.

But notice V28, Jesus speaking: “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.” Even, perhaps especially in troubled time, God remains our refuge, our fortress, and in Him we abide. And so we take heart, we look to Him, not to government or the society around us for solace, peace, and promise.
We have today a song that might be new to some of you, Above All – not only easy to sing, but a lovely song fitting for we who TRUST. May God bless your day!

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