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Psalm 145, an acrostic – 7/5/2020

Psalm 145, attributed to David, is an acrostic. Each of the verses of the psalm begins with the successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Imagine being that gifted a poet, to arrange your thoughts and words of praise in such a complex way. The psalm is even beautiful in English; the art has become in translating those ancient words in such a way as to impact and satisfy us so long later.

I’ve heard these final psalms of the psalter described as the hallelujah chorus – they are hymns of praise, sung by an ancient people who suffered from sin and disappointment and invading armies (viruses?). Although circumstances were different, human nature never changes, and they were much like us. Even through the challenges of the ancient times, the singers of these hymns remembered to praise God, because, after all, all blessings flow from Him.

In Pastor Gary’s message, listen for God’s promise of mercy, no matter the circumstances and events of our lives. God’s mercy surrounds us, infuses us, lifts us up. Jeremiah, in the midst of disaster in Jerusalem, writes this about God’s mercies: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning, great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23)

I pray you are aware each morning of His new mercies in your life!


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