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Jesus rebuking the storm – 6/19/2021

I’ve always appreciated the words of the author of the book we call Hebrews, when he refers to Today, note the capital letter, as the day of our Lord, the day of salvation. Has there been a day of salvation in your life? Your baptism, surely, was a day of salvation. Maybe your first communion, confirmed in the church after memorizing all that churchy stuff, now ready and able to take your place at the Lord’s Table.

Today In Mark’s gospel we read of Jesus rebuking the storm, and saving the lives of his companions in the midst of that awful weather – they must have recognized a day of salvation that day. Paul’s letter to Corinth, and Hebrews 3 as well, speaks of the holy nature of this very day – whichever day that is. Each new day is a day of salvation – we recognize in our sinfulness that without salvation by grace through faith we stand condemned.

Tomorrow and the next day, when you arise, greet the day as one of salvation. Jesus has and does and will love you. Your salvation in Him is assured. The day of salvation, after all, is Today.

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