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Ascension Day – 5/15/2021

This weekend we recognize Ascension Day, that day upon which, after 40 days as the resurrected Christ on this earth, He ascended into heaven and took His place in the throne room of heaven. Without this day, the conclusion of His years on the earth, we would have none of what He has promised and left to us, that is, to one day join Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Today we read together Luther’s explanation of the First Article of the Apostles’ Creed, that simple sentence that affirms our believe in God as creator of all things. As we do believe in Him in this way, we are centered in relationship with Him, aware of our complete lack of power and of His total possession of the power of creation and destruction. Luther reminds us that all we have and enjoy in this world is of Him – we are the author of none of it.

Now, we certainly are clever, and accomplish many things in our lives, don’t we? The First Article reminds us that all the cleverness we claim is after all a gift of God. Luther’s explanation of the simple sentence of belief in God makes clear that all the blessings we enjoy each day are gifts each day. Let us, on this Ascension Day, remember that first principle of the Christian faith: I believe in the God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.

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