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Traditions – 8/21/2021

Tradition! I like tradition. I find it comforting. In what seems the chaos of the world around us, tradition is reliable, isn’t it, even as the purpose and impact of many traditions seems outdated any more. For example, I love Christmas and its traditions, including all those decorations I have to stop accumulating. There is Easter tradition, of course, and don’t you love fireworks on the 4th (unless you have a dog, who hates it).

The church, our church anyway, is a place for the practice of tradition. The church is a place where tradition can be centering in a lopsided culture, if you follow me. We return to the tradition of the Lord’s Supper not only because we find it comforting and traditional but especially because Jesus tells us in Scripture celebrate His holy meal.

How about Scripture? Is it just tradition that we read, study, share, and even debate the words of the Bible? Some of those words aren’t easy, for example, today’s Epistle reading from Ephesians. What do we Christians do when God’s Word doesn’t mesh with the expectations of the world outside the church doors? Maybe we should talk about that!

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