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Live your lives in faith alongside challenge – 9/26/2020

Psalm 25 is a beautiful statement of faith, confession of sin, reminder of God’s grace and faithfulness – and also complex literature. It is an acrostic, that is, each successive verse begins with the succeeding consonant of the Hebrew alphabet, verse one with aleph, verse 2 with bet, and on to the 22nd verse (OK, with one exception, the reason for which isn’t well understood). That complexity disappears into translation or course – but the power of David’s words does not.

How do David’s prayers of so long ago fit our lives today? He was often besieged by enemies, even within his own family. We are besieged by the circumstances of our lives. No one, I pray, is out to kill you as was David’s experience. But you and I suffer disappointments, challenges of relationship, finance, health, etc. We suffer also, as did he, the consequences of our own sin.

Please take time to read the psalm. You will see yourself within it. And you will be reminded of God’s faithfulness, His grace, His truth, all of which attend the lives of His faithful people even in the midst of challenge, sadness, loss.

Verse 21 speaks of how he endured – we are called to an integrity and uprightness of faith and even of behavior, standards we can’t always maintain. Through all of the blessings and challenges of David’s life, and of ours, we wait. We wait for God to reveal yet again His mercy and His grace, as He has done in sending His Son, the Christ.

May God bless you richly as, with David, you live your lives in faith alongside challenge.

Pastor Phill

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