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WORSHIP (Full Length John 3:16 CC Service)

John 3:16 Christian Center Service: “WORSHIP”
In preparing for this sermon, Pastor Maryann Berry heard a word from the Lord:

So, you question…. So, you wonder….
Where is this one who served the Lord?
Why are they not in church anymore…?
Why does it seem like so many no longer care
about the things of the Lord?

Why does it seem like so many have lost their zeal?
Why does it seem like so many are losing faith?
My Children, there is a battle raging for the Word!

Spiritually discern!
My Word and MY Spirit are already coming together!
My Spirit is already being poured out upon the earth!

Those who are abiding in me…. They are spiritually discerning the Spiritual Picture of the hour

So, don’t despair!
Don’t get angry or upset with those you see falling away!
It has been spoken of this time in MY WORD!

These are the very ones, if there is no repentance of heart and returning to me, who will cry out:
“Lord! Lord! We prophesied in Your Name and cast out demons in Your Name and performed many miracles in Your Name.
But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.”

Pray for those you see straying…. Falling by the wayside…
Pray for those who are being deceived!
Pray as Jesus prayed for Peter.
Jesus Prayed that his FAITH would not fail.

This is just the beginning of the Great Falling Away!
There truly is a separation taking place…
A separation of the Sheep and the Goats.

Press in like never!
Praise and Worship Me in the midst of trials and testings!

Do NOT take persecution to heart!
The persecution is increasing!
This is ONLY the beginning of the persecution to come!

Guard your Love Walk!
IF the enemy can steal your love walk…. you open a door to his assignment!

Understand that…
You are the remnant of believers that are being prepared!
Remember these Words….
Among this remnant are the ones who are coming to the LORD in this hour…

• The one they say…. There is NO hope for him – there is NO hope for her!
• The ones who look like total losers!
• The ones that in the midst of despair…. are crying out

Remember your early days when you first invited me into your life?
Remember how on fire you were for me?
• These are those who are being ushered in
• These are those of the final harvest

Their hearts are pure….they are crying out for the fire!
So be ready!
I am sending you on assignments that you would least expect!

You will turn ….and there will be one!
You will turn and there will be another!
Love them into My Kingdom!

Don’t look to yourself
Look to ME in you
Look to MY POWER within you
And open up your mouth wide….
And watch me fill it

DO NOT take any glory for yourself
You will abort the mission

Be ready at all times!
Stay confident that I am protecting you and will continue to supply all your needs!
Have I not done so in the past?
Do not let the lies of the enemy fool you!

But you will only see me that way….as you trust that I AM the Great I am
• The Healer
• The Deliverer
• The Prince of Peace
• The Alpha
• The Omega
• The Beginning
• The End
• The One that was
• The One that is
• And I AM the soon COMING KING!
Pastor Maryann Berry, of John 3:16 Christian Center, presents her sermon on “WORSHIP”…Sunday, September 9, 2018….If it is on your heart to donate to our ministry, you can go to THANK YOU SO MUCH!

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