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Today – 1/23/2021

Have you thought about today? Today is the only day of its kind. When today has ticked by one moment at a time there won’t be another day exactly like it. Today’s Scripture lessons point out that obvious truth, from Old Testament to Epistle to Gospel.

Have you thought about God’s intention for you today? Opportunities abound today, even in this shut-in world of ours, and God gave us today that we might explore them, act upon them, use the time as He might lead us.

Have you read any of God’s Word today? I’m pretty sure you have a Bible handy – maybe a Portals of Prayer? Open it up. Be daring, just let if fall open randomly. Dollars to doughnuts – gee, wish I had a doughnut today – that the verses upon which your eye falls will be instructive and meaningful, especially for today.

Have you called today that person you know in your heart you should call? I imagine not… because there’s always tomorrow, isn’t there? If you’re like me you can find any excuse to delay what today is about until that next today, the one we call tomorrow, because hey, there’s always tomorrow, right?

Have you prayed today for the person you know in loss or sadness or even despair? Today is a good day for that. Send, silently, God’s peace and grace where you know it will be helpful, and is needed. Do these things because:

There is only one today. There might not be a tomorrow. As the author of Hebrews says as long as this day is called Today you have the day. You can count only upon today. Use it in God’s will and grace.


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