Crown of Life Lutheran Church


“He restoreth my soul” – 3/3/2021

We continue today with are Lenten Series “A Walk Through the 23rd Psalm”. In verse 3, David writes: “He restoreth my soul”….that’s forgiveness. Without forgiveness, without our souls’ being restored, we would be spiritually dead, total separated from God. Jesus hung on the Cross at Calvary with the weight of our sins upon His shoulders, […]

Will – 8/7/2021

The word ‘will’ is interesting, isn’t it? It has several meanings, depending upon context. It can refer to an intention: I will do it right! It can mean a document: Have you completed your will yet? By the way, you might think to include your church in that will… OK, the word can also mean […]

Who is Jesus? – 1/30/2021

“Who is Jesus of Nazareth?” and “What does his identity mean to you?” These questions are the main focus of our Gospel Reading for today. To fully understand who Jesus is we must go back about 4000 years. Moses and the Israelites had just left Egypt and were at the foot of Mount Horeb. In […]

What’s in a name? – 10/10/2020

Names in the Old Testament were different than names now. Not just the names themselves, but in OT times names conveyed meaning, unlike today, when it seems anything goes. And there were generally not last names in the OT – villages were small, and you might be the only one with your name, likely known […]

What a gift! – 7/10/2021

God showed Amos a plumb line. And then He said He would be, in effect, measuring His people Israel with that plumb line. Who have His people become? Do they remember Him, His statutes and His promises? Or have they fallen away so far from Him that He must imagine their demise, their destruction, their […]

Tug of War – 2/20/2021

You remember tug ‘o war, right? One group on one end of a rope, another on the other end, pulling for all they’re worth to drag the other off balance and across the line. That game was the more fun, wasn’t it, when instead of a white line there was a pool of mud to […]