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Beginning our Lenten Journey – 2/24/2021

Lent is a time for us to reflect upon our lives; to reflect upon all those times that we have turned away from God. Lent is a time to turn back to God who loves each one of us so dearly.

The 23rd Psalm is a Psalm of comfort. David wrote Psalm 23. I believe that he wrote it during a time of great trouble in his life. Often David had to go into hiding as his enemies were trying to kill him. David who both loved and feared The Lord, often turned to the Lord as David had a personal relationship with God. I believe that it was just such a time that he penned this Psalm.

So we begin our Lenten Journey today as we look to the 23rd Psalm and what each of the petitions of the Psalm say to us.
Today, we focus upon verses 1 and 2.
“The Lord is my Shepherd”…….that’s a relationship.
“I shall not want”……..that’s supply.
“He maketh me to lie down in green pastures”……..that’s rest.
“He leadeth me beside the still waters”……..that’s refreshment.
Pastor Gary

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